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  • Writer's pictureLiezel Freeman

Every drop counts

Breast milk donation...A topic not spoken of enough. A lady at Milk Matters told me once, that as little as one liter of breast milk is enough to feed 10 premature babies for an entire 24 hour period. Many moms have an abundance of milk. Instead of pumping and dumping or throwing away stored frozen milk, please consider contacting your nearest breast milk donation branch. You can contact or Milk Matters. Breast milk is crucial to ensure that premature babies' not just survive, but thrive and to mature their digestive system and immune system. Many mommies who have their babies before the due date, do not produce enough breast milk and they depend on donor milk. There are no words to describe how it makes you feel when you become involved in saving those babies. Milk matters for instance pays for the screening tests needed in order for you to receive your donor number which enables you to donate. There's milk depo's widely available and they provide you with free sterilized containers to store the breast milk in. I want to challenge all the mommies out there. If you have more than what your baby needs, start sharing the love xxx

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